Welcome to [truth]LINK

What you're about to discover is that God is more beautiful than you've ever imagined. In the vast ocean of the Internet, [truth]LINK is a treasure chest of insight to the character of the Creator of the universe. Welcome . . . and enjoy your experience!

What is [truth]LINK?


[truth]LINK is a popular, easy-to-understand Bible study series. This website is the free online version of the course. There are many people who want to understand what the Bible teaches in a systematic, topical format. [truth]LINK fills this need. It is a tour de force of biblical insight that will expand your mind, impact your heart, and elevate the quality of your life.


Our world is filled with dark rumors and misinformation about God that has many people either running from Him in horror or trying to serve Him like slaves. [truth]LINK is a unique Bible study experience that achieves a high level of doctrinal clarity while showing the centrality of God’s love to every biblical truth.


All you have to do is log in and get started. With the completion of each lesson, you have access to the next topic. [truth]LINK is easy to take with you on your phone or tablet, as well, so you can pick up at any time, anywhere, right where you left off in the series.

Study topics:

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    1  |  The Logic of Love

    One of the most self-evident realities about love is that it requires communication in order to exist and flourish. The Bible is God’s communication device.

    Team Member

    2  |  The Heart of God

    God is not a solitary self, but rather a fellowship of other-centered love, a beautiful friendship of three eternal persons who are one in nature, character, and purpose.

    Team Member

    3  |  The Image of God

    Humans beings are more than mere animals. Made in the image of God, we are engineered for love, and dignity, and eternal bliss.

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    4  |  War in Heaven

    Our world is engaged in a cosmic conflict between good and evil with a history that reaches back to an angelic rebellion.

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    5  |  The Fall of Humanity

    The human race is living in the throes of a catastrophic moral fall from the beauty of our original state of moral perfection.

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    6  |  The Promised One

    The Old Testament is God’s promise of faithful love and the New Testament is that promise kept in the person of Jesus Christ.

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    7  |  Journey To the Heart of God

    There is a path that leads to the most incredible destiny imaginable, and the sanctuary system God gave Israel is the map He has provided for the journey.

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    8  |  Death Defined

    One after another, each of us stops breathing. What then? Death is a temporary state of sleep-like unconsciousness, from which we will be resurrected.

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    9  |  Death Defeated

    By the power of self-sacrificing love, Jesus conquered sin and death on our behalf. His resurrection is proof of that victory.

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    10  |  New Creatures in Christ

    We cannot earn salvation by right-doing. Rather, we receive it by faith in what Jesus has achieved for us, from which the right kind of right doing arises.

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    11  |  Life in God's Love

    There’s only one thing God desires for human beings: other-centered love. His law describes what this love kind of looks like in action.

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    12  |  Resting in Christ

    The Sabbath is a weekly reminder of both creation and redemption, both of which are God’s work. It signifies relational rest with God.

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    13  |  Reciprocal Living

    God’s kingdom is based on one powerful principle: giving. And giving is the most God-like and influential thing a human being can do.

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    14  |  Health and Wholeness

    Because God is love, it logically follows that He would be interested in our complete wellbeing and would reveal to us the principles that yield good health.

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    15  |  Immersion

    Baptism symbolizes total immersion in God’s love as manifested in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. Through baptism we identify with Christ and declare our faith in Him.

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    16  |  A Healing Community

    God is building a global community for the restoration and revelation of His love, and all of us are invited to be a part of it.

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    17  |  The Great Apostasy

    Two opposing kingdoms are at war in our world, operating by two different governing principles, undergirded by two diametrically opposite motives: love versus selfishness.

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    18  |  The Church In The Wilderness

    Even in the darkest period of Earth's history, God has always had a people in the world to proclaim the truth of His goodness and love.

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    19  |  The Remnant

    The mission of God’s church is to preserve the knowledge of His law and point to Jesus as the true revelation of His character.

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    20  |  The Day of Atonement

    Right now we are living in the final phase of redemption history, during which God will bring final and full resolution to the sin problem.

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    21  |  The First Angel's Message

    Those who believe the gospel will worship God with awe, magnify the beauty of His character, and stand before Him with confidence in the judgment.

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    22  |  The Second Angel's Message

    Our world is filled with dark confusion regarding the character of God and the way of salvation. God is calling us out of the confusion into the clarifying truth of His love.

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    23  |  The Third Angel's Message

    All true worship is motivated by love for God in the light of His love for us, because only by love is love awakened.

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    24  |  The Second Coming

    The entire biblical narrative rushes forward to a single point of climactic beauty: Jesus will return to receive the church as His eternal bride.

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    25  |  The Millennium

    God will bring evil to an end in such a way as to ensure that it will never rise again—by the full disclosure of His good character.

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    26  |  The End Of Evil

    God is love even in the way He deals with those who are eternally lost. No cruelty or injustice will be seen in His dealings with the wicked.

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    27  |  Pleasures Forevermore

    God holds before us the promise of a future characterized by forever-flourishing, eternally-expanding friendships in a perfect world free from everything contrary to love.

All 27 study guidesalso available in print!

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